Registration is now closed for the 2024–2025. A few elective classes still have ​openings. If you are interested in any of the electives,

please email Mindi at to check availability.

2024–2025 Scholar Class Schedule/Descriptions

Once a Week—

Full Year Classes

Twice a Week —

Full Year Classes

Once a Week—

Semester Classes


Classroom #1

Classroom #2





Algebra 1

Creative Writing & Design

Study Hall







Math Foundations

Algebra 2

Creative Writing & Design

Study Hall







World Views

Sigma History/L.A.

Machine Sewing

Study Hall







1st Semester: Personal Finance Workshop


2nd Semester: Entrepreneur Bootcamp

Musical Theater

1st Semester:

Lego Stop Motion Club


2nd Semester:

Lego Stop Motion Club

Study Hall


Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Classroom #1

Classroom #2

Classroom #3

Classroom #4



Prescholar ​History/L.A.-Class 1

Creative Writing & ​Design—Class 1

(ages 14–18)

Study Hall 1







Math Foundations 1 ​(6th Grade)

Algebra 1

Machine Sewing

Art 1







Prescholar ​History/L.A.-Class 2

Algebra 2

Creative Writing & ​Design—Class 2

(ages 11–14)

1st Semester:

Self-Defense, Situational ​Awareness, & Emergency ​Survival 1


2nd Semester:

Chess & Board

Game Club







1st Semester: ​Entrepreneur ​Expedition


2nd Semester:

Personal Finance For ​Teens

1st Semester:

Lego Stop Motion Club


2nd Semester:

Lego Stop Motion Club

1st Semester:

Self-Defense, ​Situational Awareness, ​& Emergency Survival 2


2nd Semester:

Musical Theater

Math Foundations 2 ​(7th Grade)




Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments


Classroom #1

Classroom #2

Classroom #3

Classroom #4



1st Semester: ​Music Production


2nd Semester:

Year Book Design

Prescholar ​Science—Class 1

Study Hall 5







Math Foundations ​1 (6th Grade)

Algebra 1

Scholar Science

1st Semester: ​Chess & Board ​Game Club


2nd Semester:

Chess & Board ​Game Club







World Views is ​canceled due to ​low enrollment

Algebra 2

Prescholar ​Science—Class 2

Study Hall 6







1st Semester: ​Chess & Board ​Game Club


2nd Semester:

Chess & Board ​Game Club

Art 2

Study Hall 7

Math Foundations 2 ​(7th Grade)


Ukulele Ensemble


Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Clean Up Assignments

Class Descriptions

Colorful Numbers on Orange Background
Maths Backgrounds Math and School Supplies Flatlay

Math Foundations 1

(6th Grade Math)

Mentor: Sophia Felix

Math Foundations 1 is a twice-a-week course that covers the following 6th-grade concepts: whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities, ratio and proportion, area and volume, and statistics. In class, students will learn new concepts, practice concepts with hands-on activities and games, and will complete assignments at home throughout the remainder of the week.

The curriculum used for this course is All Things Algebra. For more details about the specific content covered in this course, visit this site:

and select the question that says “Do the materials follow specific state standards?” From there you will be able to download a detailed list of the concepts covered in the course.

  • Cost: $900/two-semester course—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $800/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Fee: $50/two-semester (This fee covers the printing of the math course curriculum for all at-home assignments.)

  • Supplies Needed: none

Math Foundations 2

(7th Grade Math)

Mentor: Sophia Felix

Math Foundations 2 is a twice-a-week comprehensive course designed to bridge the gap between elementary mathematics and pre-algebra. Through a structured curriculum, students will delve into fundamental mathematical concepts, laying a robust foundation for further exploration in algebraic thinking. The course focuses on enhancing understanding and proficiency in key areas including exponents, fractions, integers, and ratios.

The curriculum used for this course is All Things Algebra. For more details about the specific content covered in this course, visit this site:

and select the question that says “Do the materials follow specific state standards?” From there you will be able to download a detailed list of the concepts covered in the course.

  • Cost: $900/two-semester course—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $800/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Fee: $50/two-semester (This fee covers the printing of the math course curriculum for all at-home assignments.)

  • Supplies Needed: a binder, a basic calculator


Mentor: Sophia Felix

Pre-Algebra is a twice-a-week foundational course designed to prepare students for the study of algebra and higher-level mathematics. Through a comprehensive curriculum, students will explore essential mathematical concepts and develop problem-solving skills necessary for success in algebraic thinking. The course covers a range of topics including operations with integers, variables, expressions, equations, inequalities, and introductory geometry. Students will participate in class lessons and will also have assignments to be completed at home during the remainder of the week.

The curriculum used for this course is All Things Algebra. For more details about the specific content covered in this course, visit this site:

and select the question that says “Do the materials follow specific state standards?” From there you will be able to download a detailed list of the concepts covered in the course.

  • Cost: $900/two-semester course—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $800/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Fee: $50/two-semester (This fee is in place of a textbook and covers the price of printing for the at-home assignments.)

  • Supplies Needed: a binder, a free Khan Academy account, a basic calculator

Algebra 1

Mentor: Lexi Derbidge

This twice-a-week course is designed ​to be interactive, engaging, and fun, ​with a strong emphasis on student ​participation. To reinforce the ​concepts taught in class, homework ​will be assigned at the end of each ​session and will be due at the ​beginning of the next class. These ​assignments are designed to aid in ​students' learning and ​understanding of the material. ​Students will also be expected to ​take notes and participate in class ​activities. Additionally, we will have ​tests approximately every two weeks ​to assess students’ progress and ​comprehension. Students will have ​the option to receive a grade for the ​class. This can provide a useful ​benchmark of the student’s ​understanding and progress ​throughout the course but is not ​required.

The class size will be limited to allow ​for more personal interaction and a ​great learning environment. ​Additionally, Mentor Lexi will be ​available for questions from 11:35 ​AM to 12:00 PM after each class. This ​is a great opportunity for students to ​receive extra help if needed.

The teaching curriculum used for this ​course is Course Connections. You ​do not need to purchase this.

  • Cost: $900/two-semester course​—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $800/full course​—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Fee: $50/two-semester ​(This fee is in place of a textbook ​and covers the price of printing ​for the at-home assignments.)

  • Supplies Needed: a binder, a free ​Khan Academy account, a laptop ​or smart phone (optional but ​helpful)

Math Equation Printed on Paper

Algebra 2

Mentor: Lexi Derbidge

This twice-a-week course is designed to be interactive, engaging, and fun, with a strong emphasis on student participation. To reinforce the concepts taught in class, homework will be assigned at the end of each session and will be due at the beginning of the next class. These assignments are designed to aid in students' learning and understanding of the material. Students will also be expected to take notes and participate in class activities. Additionally, we will have tests approximately every two weeks to assess students’ progress and comprehension. Students will have the option to receive a grade for the class. This can provide a useful benchmark of the student’s understanding and progress throughout the course but is not required.

The class size will be limited to between nine to fifteen students to allow for more personal interaction and a great learning environment. Additionally, Mentor Lexi will be available for questions from 11:35 AM to 12:00 PM after each class. This is a great opportunity to clarify any questions and for students to receive extra help if needed.

T Additionally, some class periods at the end of the school year will be devoted to ACT prep work including Geometry concepts.

  • Cost: $900/two-semester course—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $800/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Fee: $50/two-semester (This fee is in place of a textbook and covers the price of printing for the at-home assignments.)

  • Supplies Needed: a binder, a free Khan Academy account, a laptop or smart phone (optional but helpful)

Prescholar History & Language Arts

Mentor: Kim Anderson

In this two-semester course, students will investigate America in the 1700's through studying the lives of the Founding Fathers, the Founding documents, & the events that led to the formation of our great country. Students will find a voice through writing & practicing the art of oral persuasion as well as developing/strengthening their analytical thinking and memorization skills. We will: read great books, study original documents, write thought-provoking papers (these will be tailored to the student's abilities), have mentor-led book discussions, and participate in playful debates to help students dip their toes into forming persuasive arguments.

Additionally, students will have assignments to complete at home during the remainder of the week. (Investigation manuals are included in the cost of this class.)

  • Cost: $450/two-semester course— if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $400/two-semester course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed—one of each of the following books:
    • The Bulletproof George Washington
    • King George: What Was His Problem?: Everything Your Schoolbooks Didn't Tell You About the American Revolution
    • Guns for General Washington : a story of the American Revolution
    • A Young Patriot: The American Revolution as Experienced by One Boy
    • Sophia's War: A Tale of the Revolution
    • Susanna's Midnight Ride: The Girl Who Won the Revolutionary War
    • John Adams: Independence Forever
    • (Optional) Webster's 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language

Ages: 12–15 Years

Girl Doing Science Experiment with Dyes

Prescholar SCIENCE

Mentor: Mindi Eldredge

In this two-semester course, prescholar students will investigate five different areas of science: Human Biology, Meteorology, Geology, Chemistry, and Arctic Biomes! In class, students will be participating in hands-on experiments, labs, projects, and discussions. Additionally, students will have assignments to complete at home during the remainder of the week.

  • Cost: $450/two-semester course— if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $400/two-semester course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed: Five chapter books used for at-home assignments. (Investigation manuals are included in the cost of this class.)

Ages: 12–14 Years

Science of Magnets Magnets Attracting Iron Powder


Mentor: Mindi Eldredge

In this two-semester course, prescholar students will investigate five different areas of science: Human Biology, Meteorology, Geology, Chemistry, and Arctic Biomes! In class, students will be participating in hands-on experiments, labs, projects, and discussions. Additionally, students will have assignments to complete at home during the remainder of the week.

  • Cost: $450/two-semester course—if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $400/two-semester course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed: Five chapter books used for at-home assignments. (Investigation manuals are included in the cost of this class.)

Ages: 15–17 Years

Colorful Abstract Art
Plants Growing From Piled Coins
Woman Taking Online Order at Her Small Stall Shop


Personal Finance FOR TEENS

Entrepreneur EXPEDITION



Time Machine Through Art

Mentor: Damia Shimmin

Mentor: Rachel Gray

In Time Machine through ART class ​Scholars participate in Fun and ​inspiring art-appreciation activities, ​while learning about and creating their ​own art. Each week's theme is related ​to a different great artist across the ​ages. Scholars will understand why ​each artist’s work is important and ​who they influenced and were ​influenced by. Then the scholars will ​try out the artist’s approach. For ​example, scholars will sketch inventive ​designs in the style of da Vinci and ​draw in a nature notebook like ​Audubon. To understand Rodin, they ​will create a clay carving. Learning ​about Picasso will inspire a fractured ​friend, and Kahlo will help show the ​magic in self-portraits. We will explore ​the creative process and try unusual ​techniques such as block printing, ​pointillism, and mixed media artworks ​as they learn about architecture, ​drawing, painting, photography, and ​sculpture. Scholars will be guided to ​the style, movement, or era of each ​artist, and will work hard to create ​their own Masterpieces following ​these elements of the artists. There ​will only be two aspects of take-home ​learning. 1. Scholars should expect to ​finish their art work in class but if not ​they will need to do that out of class. ​2. Scholars will give one presentation ​on an artist in history and work ​together with the instructor to choose ​an art project that fits with that artist.

  • Cost: $400/two-semester course if ​8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $375/full course​—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed: TBA

Beginner–Intermediate Experience

Mentor: Damia Shimmin

Embark on Steward's Quest, a inspirational journey towards mastering your finances! Delve into the world of wise money management with engaging lessons tailored to teens aged 14–18. Each session unfolds a new facet of financial wisdom through thought-provoking discussions and interactive activities.

Throughout the workshop, students will not only grasp essential money management skills but also cultivate a mindset of prudent stewardship. By delving into fun activities, they'll learn to track their spending effectively and create a personalized budgeting system.

Through this workshop, students will:

  • Master the art of tracking their spending
  • Craft a personalized budget and wield effective budgeting tools
  • Gain clarity on career goals and

educational aspirations

  • Develop a plan for furthering their education debt-free

Join us on this empowering quest to become savvy stewards of your resources and unlock a brighter financial future!

At least 50% of the workbook assignments will be completed in class. Students can expect to spend about 1-2 hours a week outside of class completing the workbook and practicing the principles learned.

Ages: 14–18

Are you a teen with a spark of entrepreneurial spirit? Join us for an exhilarating journey into the world of business creation and innovation in our workshop, "Entrepreneur Expedition." Embark on a guided adventure where you'll uncover the secrets to building not just any business, but one that aligns with your values, ignites your passions, and brings in profit. Through a series of interactive sessions, you'll learn the fundamental principles and practical strategies needed to turn your ideas into reality.

What You'll Explore:

  • Beginning with the End in Mind: Discover the power of setting clear goals and envisioning your ultimate business success.
  • Finding Mentors: Learn how to seek guidance from experienced entrepreneurs who can help navigate the path ahead.
  • Idea Development with Passion: Dive deep into your interests and skills to uncover business opportunities that ignite your passion.
  • Essential Tools: Understand the tools and resources needed to bring your business to life, from digital platforms to organizational systems.
  • Crafting Your Brand: Explore the art of branding and how to create a unique identity that resonates with your target audience.
  • Strategic Marketing: Develop a solid marketing plan, including techniques for evaluating and improving your outreach efforts.

Plan on spending a minimum of 3 hours per week outside of class on projects for building your business.

  • Cost: $225/semester
  • Supplies Needed: a notebook and binder (Some days, students will need to bring a laptop to class, depending on their business.)

There are potential outside start-up costs to be aware of. These will be determined by the business your student chooses. Here are some examples: Food handler’s license, ingredients, Canva Pro, printing. If your teen decides to continue their business after the semester ends, you will need to help them register it (I can guide you, if you need help).

Mentor: TBA

In this comprehensive course, participants will learn essential skills and techniques to enhance their personal safety and well-being in various environments. Participants will learn effective self-defense techniques to protect themselves and others in potentially dangerous situations. Instruction will cover basic strikes, blocks, and defensive maneuvers, as well as strategies for de-escalation and conflict resolution. This course will also train students to assess their environment, identify potential threats, and employ strategies to avoid or mitigate risks. Additionally, this course will provide participants with the skills to respond to medical emergencies effectively. Instruction will cover CPR, basic first aid, wound care, and techniques for stabilizing injured individuals until professional help arrives. Participants will also learn vital survival techniques such as fire building, shelter construction, water procurement, food foraging, navigation, signaling for help, and developing a comprehensive emergency plan. By the end of this course, participants will have gained the confidence and practical skills necessary to protect themselves, assess potential threats, respond to medical emergencies, and survive in various environments. Whether in urban or rural settings, individuals will be better prepared to handle unexpected situations and safeguard their well-being.

  • Cost: $225/semester
  • All supplies are included in the price of the course.

All Ages

Ages: 14–18

People Sitting on Theater Chairs
Ukulele in Close Up Photography
Person Writing on White Paper

Musical Theater




Mentor: Heather Cooper

Mentor: Heather Cooper

Mentor: Heather Cooper

Mentor: Mindi Eldredge

In musical theater students will explore the fundamentals of acting, projecting, character development, and stagecraft. Through scene work and improvisation exercises, students will bring characters to life and explore the dramatic elements of storytelling through music. Students will dig deep as they understand how to use volume, intonation, and facial and body expressions to bring characters to life. The semester showcase provides an opportunity to show our families what we have learned. **Limited space so please sign up quickly**

  • Cost: $180/semester course
  • All supplies are included in the price of the course.

Or sign up for Musical Theater with the following package:

Performing Arts Class 2 package (Concert Choir & Musical Theater)

For details click here.

All Ages

In choir students will delve into the ​fundamentals of vocal technique, ​breathing exercises, and choral ​repertoire. Emphasis will be placed on ​vocal health, proper posture, intonation, ​blend, and expression. Students will ​refine their abilities to sing in harmony ​and unison, while also introducing skills ​in sight-singing. This class is sure to be a ​fun time! The semester showcase ​provides an opportunity to show our ​families what we have learned.

  • Cost: $150/semester course
  • Supplies Fees: $15

All Ages

In Ukulele Ensemble students will ​explore the vibrant sounds of the ​'ukulele, a versatile and accessible ​instrument. Through hands-on ​instruction, students will learn chords, ​strumming patterns, and basic music ​theory as applied to the 'ukulele. This ​will be a fun time for all as we sing, ​play, and laugh while learning. All ​levels welcome. Scaffolding chord ​introduction along with a blend of ​traditional and rote teaching methods ​make this a fun environment where ​students find themselves jamming out ​in the first 15 minutes of class! The ​semester showcase provides an ​opportunity to show our families what ​we have learned.

  • Cost: $150/semester course
  • Supplies Needed: Binder + ​Instrument + tuner + music stand

All Ages

In this two-semester class, students will learn skills both in the area of creative writing and layout design using Canva. Students will participate in various areas of creative writing including short stories, poetry, creative non-fiction, and more! Students will learn effective writing techniques, steps in the writing process, basic editing skills, and more.

The scholars will complete a writing project for each of the Units 2–6. Class lessons will include interactive discussions, real-life examples, group and individual exploration of writing concepts, writing games and activities, funny and inspiring story-writing videos from "The Terrible Teacher" company, book and movie analysis, sharing of writing, peer editing, and more!

Additionally, scholars will learn various layout design techniques in Canva including book design, layout design, and basic graphic design principles. Final projects will be created using Canva. At-home assignments will include story analysis of through books and movies and project work (writing and designing).

  • Ages—
  • Creative Writing & Design Class 1 is for 14–18 year olds
  • Creative Writing & Design Class 2 is for 11–14 year olds.

(The content for both classes will be similar, however, discussions, editing techniques, and analysis skills will be more in-depth in the older class.)

  • Cost: $400/two-semester course if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $375/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed: Students will need to provide their own laptop or Chromebook and one chapter book (scholars chooses between The Hobbit; The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe; Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, or Charlotte's Web). The students will also watch the following movies at home: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Star Wars: A New Hope, The Lion King OR The Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and The Wizard of Oz).

  • Investigation manuals and The Hero’s Guidebook are included in the cost of this class.

Hiker Lego Miniature Outdoors



Mentor: TBA

Mentor: Youth & Parent Volunteers

In this course, scholars will learn to ​use Canva as a tool for layout design. ​Students will also learn and participate ​in the steps of creation, editing, and ​publishing as they put together the ​2024–2025 Sentinel Scholars ​yearbook.

  • Cost: $35 club dues per semester

  • Supplies Needed: Each student will ​need to bring a laptop. Students can ​use the free version of Canva or ​purchase a paid account which ​provides more features.

Ages: All Ages

During this club, students will explore story-telling through Lego Stop-Motion. Students will be able to work with others and work independently in creating their own videos.

Cost: $35 club dues per semester

Supplies Needed: Students will need to provide their own phone or ipad and stand.

Legos will be provided during the club time.

All Ages

Chess Pieces on a Chess Board


Chess/Board Game Club

Mentor: Sunny Whiting

Mentor: Youth & Parent Volunteers

In this semester-long course, we will dive into the basic introductions of music production: from arranging to engineering to music editing software. We’ll also cover special techniques such as music theory, and songwriting, sheet music creation— the skeletons for musical/digital instrument performance. Each student will gain the skills necessary to create digital instrumentations, live audio recordings, and basic drum tracks, as well as writing/composing virtual music. This course will individually cater to the needs/desires of each student present, with opportunities for group work, collaborations and individual assignments.

  • Cost: $200/semester course if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $175/semester course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed: laptop, Pro Tools Student Subscription

During this club, students will ​participate in chess and a variety of ​other board games.

Cost: $35 club dues per semester

Supplies Needed: none

All Ages

All Ages

A Sewing Machine with Cloth on the Table
Young Man Reading A Book and Studying

MAchine SEWINg

StuDY HAll 1–6

Mentor: Amy Carlson

Aides: Parent Volunteers

Start from the beginning and become confident in machine sewing basics. This class focuses on helping students understand the “why” and not just the “what”, so they can apply their skills to future independent sewing. Through simple projects, this course will master the basics and also introduce concepts such as hems, closures (buttonholes and zippers), knit fabrics, and some clothing sewing concepts. We’ll learn how to read, follow and fit a commercial pattern and we’ll finish the year by making our own pajama pants and t-shirts. It is assumed students will provide their own machine; however a limited number of machines are available to rent from the instructor for in-class use only.

  • Cost: $400/two-semester course if 8–11 enroll
  • Discounted rate: $375/full course—if 12 students enroll

  • Supplies Needed:
    • A full-size sewing machine with 2+ bobbins (no toy machines, please)
    • Fabric scissors, seam ripper, 6” sewing gauge, cloth measuring tape, straight pins, 1 light and 1 dark colored pencil (e.g white or yellow, and blue or black)
    • $10 fee (covers workbook, pajama pant pattern, and weekly concept materials)
    • Fabric for 3-4 large projects throughout the year (pillowcase, drawstring backpack, pajama pants, knit t-shirt). Students will be given specific fabric requirements at least 2 weeks in advance of each project.

Ages: All Ages

Does your child want to take several classes but has a class slot in between in which he or she is not taking a class? Register your child for the applicable Study Hall time slot and he or she may quietly read or work on other school work in our study hall area.

Cost: $35/semester

All Ages