Get to Know Our . . .

Board of Directors

Stephanie Whiting
























Heather Cooper




Heather has taught music in various private and public settings for over 20 years. She has degrees in voice and music education. She has taught choir, 'ukulele, theater, band and orchestra. She is currently working on her PhD in music education and musical cultures and hopes to be finished very soon. Additionally, she is certified in Orff and Kodály methods and incorporates those teaching practices in her daily lessons. Over her tenure as a music teacher she has enjoyed working with the very young to the mature adult. She looks forward to connecting with the community through the music and theater classes she will be teaching this year.

Mindi Eldredge




Mindi is a former elementary teacher turned homeschool mama! She loves all areas of education and especially loves curriculum writing and design. Mindi wrote five of the original The Good and the Beautiful Science Units and created the original The Good and the Beautiful Math curriculum. She has since formed a nonprofit organization called The Mindful Heart where she creates homeschool curriculum made to foster family learning, integrate the gospel of Jesus Christ back in to learning, and to help families in developing the whole individual: heart, mind, body, and spirit. Aside from her time teaching in the public schools, Mindi has also taught various classes at homeschool commonwealths including middle and high school science and middle and high school problem solving/logical thinking skills.

Lexi Derbidge


By day, Lexi Derbidge is a wife, mother, and math teacher. By night she is an aspiring fantasy author and an avid book reader! She and her family love hiking, camping, and playing board games with friends. Lexi’s relationship with math hasn’t always been easy. In high school, math was really hard for her, and she found herself struggling with it. However, a teacher saw her potential and offered her the help and support that she needed. With a lot of work, math has become her favorite subject! That experience in turn inspired Lexi to pursue a degree in math education and to try to be a teacher who can make a difference in others, especially those who struggle like she did. Lexi believes that math should be enjoyable while also teach us that we can do hard things!

Rachel Gray


Rachel Gray has been homeschooling for about 17 years and loves spending time with her ​husband, seven children, and future son-in-law. She studied art and recreational therapy at BYU ​in 2006. Since then she has taught art classes almost every year. She has also enjoyed learning ​about and viewing original art work in every country she has visited and lived, some of those ​being Kenya and other African countries, Kuwait, Egypt, Israel and more. She also continues ​using her artistic talent in elements of theater production.

Sunny Whiting


Sunny is a local, inspirational, indie-pop singer-songwriter and a graduate of BYU in the Commercial Music Program. She has written/produced many songs, sung on radio stations such as B98.7 and FM 100.3, traveled to Nashville and L.A. for Hollywood artist intensives, collaborated with many different local artists, opened for Ryan Shupe & The Rubber Band for the 2018 Cultural Celebration for the Jordan River Temple, produces through Blomberg Music Productions, and distributes her work on music platforms all across the internet. Sunny has taught vocal lessons to 100+ students for the past 7 years and loves using her talents to bless others. She also currently works in American Fork COPA as the pop team songwriting coach and music theory teacher, as well as a committee member on the Harrington Arts live music team.

Damia Shimmin



Damia is a financial coach and entrepreneur dedicated to helping Christian homeschooled teens and their parents learn wise money management principles. Her passion for helping others stems from her own experiences growing up watching her parents struggle with debt. She knew from a young age that she wanted to do something different and help others avoid the same stress that she saw in her parents. Her journey into financial education began when her grandfather taught her a budgeting system that fascinated her. Since then, she has made it her mission to learn all she can about wise money management to graduate university debt-free and then share that knowledge with others.Through her workshops and one-on-one coaching, Damia guides and encourages teens and parents to make a plan for their life that they can then make a financial plan to achieve.

Kim Anderson


Kim Anderson is a homeschooling Mama with 20 years of experience. She and her husband, Justin, have 5 kiddos (3 of which are full-grown) and 1 son-in-law. She was raised in part by a Navy veteran Dad who had a deep love and respect for our country. He passed that love onto his children and is one of the reasons Kim enjoys teaching youth about the founding of this great nation. Kim has mentored children and youth of all ages and finds great satisfaction in helping them gain a love of learning. She has held leadership positions and taught in commonwealths for 12 years and has owned her own private piano studio for 15.

Sister Sophie Felix

MATH FOUNDATIONS 1 and 2 (6th Grade, 7th Grade)


Sister Felix is a service missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints. In the ​past, her favorite hobbies were archery and horseback riding, especially when doing both at ​once! It was her Dad who really sparked her love of math by sitting patiently and explaining ​questions she brought home from school until one day she found it was her favorite type of ​homework to do. Sister Felix loves to solve problems and understand exactly why the math ​maths, but she loves helping others understand that "why" even more. Because of this, she ​started tutoring math while getting ready to serve her mission and is thrilled she can continue to ​help others with math while on her mission.

Amy Carlson


Amy has been sewing for over 35 years and loves teaching beginners. She owns Salt City Sewing Studio, teaching private lessons, group workshops, and summer camps. Amy especially enjoys helping students understand the why behind what they’re doing, because she knows that with a strong foundation anyone can confidently sew independently. She is the mother of three adult children and grandmother to one. A native Utahn, she and her husband recently moved back to Utah from Virginia, where they lived for seventeen years.

Misty Muhlestein

Explorer Science Mentor

Misty is driven by her faith and determination with her purpose centering on nurturing children’s ​love for learning. Her diverse journey includes various ventures, from owning a salon and spa to ​running an educational non-profit. Guided by a focus on hands, heart, head, and health, Misty ​directed her ranch on her five-acre property in California. There, she taught and facilitated ​weekly workshops, camps, and educational enrichment programs for over 100 adults and ​students of all ages. She has also mentored and guided more than 40 live-in volunteers and ​international exchange students. Misty is also the author of “Barnyard Miracles: True Tales from ​the Barnyard” a series of eight children’s story and activity books. She holds a Bachelor of ​Science degree in Business Management, certification as a Master Health Coach specializing in ​families and pregnancies, and certifications in applied agroecology and communication. While ​progressing in her pursuit of a Master’s in Marriage and Family Therapy, a family emergency ​prompted a change in Misty’s path, leading her to become a foster parent to five children, two of ​whom she later adopted. She treasures her role as a mother and spending quality time with her ​husband.

Julie Davis

Explorer Lead Mentor

Julie Davis has always had a deep passion for learning and being curious about the world we live ​in and a desire to share and cultivate that in others, especially children. She has a rich ​background in education, having taught 13 years of elementary education in the public schools. ​Much of that time was spent teaching English language learners in various grade levels. She has ​experience in teaching core subjects of language arts, math, science and history as well as skills ​and a love especially for music, art, and exercise/playing sports. Along with time spent in the ​classroom Julie spent many years traveling with youth ambassador groups overseas as well as ​doing youth summer camps at universities across the country. She also taught English in ​Romania for 18 months while serving a church mission there. Julie loves spending time with her ​husband and six children as well as being outdoors, reading, playing sports, music, traveling, and ​caring for animals.