
Welcome to Sentinel Scholars Mentored Education! We are excited to have you join with us in educating the hearts,

minds, bodies, and spirits of our teens! Each year our members renew their membership. To become a member for ​the 2024–2025 school year, please follow the directions below.


As a member of Sentinel Scholars Mentored Education, you will have access to and be able to participate in the

following activities:

  • registration for classes (full tuition is paid separately to each mentor)
  • family field trips
  • youth game nights and activities
  • holiday parties
  • End-of-the-Year Celebration


As a member of Sentinel Scholars Mentored Education, you are required to fulfill the following requirements:

  • pay the annual non-refundable $40 registration fee for one individual membership to Sentinel Scholars (due: ​June 1st)
  • pay the annual non-refundable $25 registration fee for any additional sibling’s membership to Sentinel Scholars ​(due: June 1st)
  • pay the annual insurance fee (The exact amount is TBA as soon as we receive the final estimate from the ​insurance agency. However, we estimate the insurance fee to be $25.)
  • 5 hours of adult volunteer time is required per student per semester (please see possible volunteer opportunities ​listed below)

Possible Volunteer Opportunities (volunteer sign-up is included in the registration form)

  • substitute as a class aide as the need arises
  • volunteer periodically in the study hall (making sure students are quiet and where they are supposed to be)
  • serve on a holiday party committee
  • serve on the End-of-the Year Celebration committee

Class Aide Opportunities (OPTIONAL) (apply for this position on the class registration form)

  • Class aides agree to attend each of the applicable class periods and help the mentor as needed.
  • The Class Aide also agrees to substitute for the class in the case of the mentor's absence—following a sub plan ​provided by the mentor.
  • As a Class Aide, your child will receive free tuition for the applicable class. However, any class supplies or supply ​fees must still be provided or paid for by the parent.)