About Sentinel Scholars

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop the whole person by following a heart-first education approach. A heart-first approach first focuses on developing a love of learning within the scholar by nurturing his or her strengths, supporting his or her learning style, incorporating the arts and humanities in all areas of learning, encouraging hands-on learning, and promoting a positive relationship between the scholar and his or her family. As those positive relationships develop, learning becomes a much more natural part of the scholar’s growth as he or she is inspired to develop his or her own unique talents and abilities.

What We PRovide

We provide core subject and elective classes for teens ages 12–18. Our classes

are held in-person twice a week with assignments to be completed at home during the remainder of the week.

Educating The Whole Person:

Head, Heart, and Hands

FreQuently Asked Questions

Q. I missed the Parent Info Meeting, is there a recording I can watch of it?

A. Yes, the video recording is here: https://youtu.be/xYdHpX4akpQ?si=mmVeYrHySlE5wl9m

Q. Where can I learn more about the heart-first education philosophy?

A. Click on the following video buttons to learn more about the heart-first education philosophy.

Q. What do the titles of Mentor, Scholar, Pre-Scholar, and Aide refer to at Sentinel Scholar?

A. Each of the classes at Sentinel Scholars is led by two adults: a mentor and an aide. The mentor leads the class ...... The aide provides support for the class as instructed by the mentor and also ensures two-deep leadership in each classroom. Scholars refer to the 15–17 year old students at Sentinel Scholars and Pre-Scholars are the 12–14 year old students.

Q. Are Sentinel Scholars’ classes approved for reimbursement by My Tech High, Harmony, and Utah Fits All Education?

A. Yes, we are currently in the process of becoming approved providers by all three.

Q. Are Sentinel Scholars’ classes accredited?

A. While we strive to always provide the highest quality of classes, we are not currently seeking accreditation.

Q. Can my child be enrolled in classes both at Sentinel Scholars and the local high school?

A. Yes, Utah state law requires public schools to offer dual enrollment options to their students. However, as the local middle school and high schools

follow an A/B Day schedule, you will want to register for classes at different times at the middle or high school than those you register for at Sentinel Scholars. Please speak with the administration of your middle school or high school to begin the dual enrollment process.

Q. Will Sentinel Scholars provide the education necessary for my child to be accepted to a good university?

A. While each individual’s educational accomplishments are ultimately up to him or her to accomplish, Sentinel Scholars classes are designed to foster a deep love of learning in each scholar, help scholars develop effective study skills, expose scholars to many of the concepts and material covered on the ACT exam, and prepare the scholars with the skills needed to succeed at the university level. A solid ACT score and a detailed homeschool transcript are often all that is required for university acceptance. Other routes for university acceptance are also available and vary according to the specific university. We encourage you to ask the Sentinel Scholars’ Board Members and Mentors for guidance and suggestions in regard to this matter, but we also encourage both parents and scholars to individually research the requirements of the scholar’s desired university as each university varies slightly as to their requirements.

Q. Does Sentinel Scholars provide any opportunities for a reduction in fees or tuition costs?

A. Yes, as a Class Aide you may earn free tuition for the applicable class. Class aides agree to attend each of the applicable class periods and help the mentor as needed. The Class Aide also agrees to substitute for the class in the case of the mentor's absence—following a sub plan provided by the mentor. As a Class Aide, your child will receive free tuition for the applicable class. However, any class supplies or supply fees must still be provided or paid for by the parent. To apply to be a Class Aide, please indicate on the class registration form. Class Aides will be chosen and notified prior to June 1, 2024.

Q. When does registration for the 2024–2025 school year close?

A. Class registration opens for the general public starting on May 1, 2024, and closes on Aug. 15, 2024. Once each class reaches the maximum number of students a waitlist will be created and students will then be added to classes on a first-come, first-serve basis based on availability. If a class is full, the registration button for that specific class will indicate that the class is only accepting wait-list students.

Q. Can my child stay and hang out after class?

A. This coming year, we will only be able to allow students to stay on campus (besides lunch) if they are enrolled in a class or signed up for study hall. If students are not on campus during the last class period of the day, they need to be picked up promptly after their class or they will be charged the study hall fee. A Security Aide will sign students out of the building when parents arrive. Those students who stay through the last class period must be picked up at 3:00 pm. Any students still remaining on campus after 3:10 pm will be charged $10 per day. This fee will go towards paying the Security Aide who has to stay until all students are picked up.

Q. Can my 11-year-old child join?

A. If the child is 11 on September 1st and will be turning 12 during the school year, they are eligible to take the following classes:

  • Math Foundations 1 (6th Grade)—any higher math level needs mentor authorization
  • Creative Writing & Design Class 2 (11–14 years old)
  • Lego Stop Motion
  • Self Defense
  • Musical Theater
  • Music Production
  • Prescholar Science
  • Chess/Board Games Club
  • Art
  • Choir
  • Ukulele Ensemble