Registration is now closed for the

2024–2025 school year.

2024–2025 Explorer Program

Our Explorer Program offers a dynamic and engaging learning experience for children ​ages 4–12. Classes are led by dedicated educators and parent teachers and are ​designed to be both outdoor and indoor, fostering a love for learning in various ​environments.

  • Group Size: No more than fifteen students per class.
  • Grouping: Children may work as one large group, in smaller groups, or individually ​based on the activity.
  • The Explorers classes are designed to support your home education with the ​following goals:
    • Foster a deep love of learning and a respect for nature, animals, and people.
    • Provide opportunities for movement, nature exploration, and creativity.
    • Encourage emotional growth and development.
    • Develop skills to present ideas both in written and verbal forms.

Mondays and Wednesdays


Whole Class or Groups



Whole Class

Drop Off & Open Play Time


Whole Class

Heart & Soul Time

(Integrated History/Language ​Arts/Humanities)



  • Group A—PreReaders and Writers
  • Group B—Beginning Readers and Writers
  • Group C—Growing Readers and Writers

Station #1:



Station #2:




Station #3:



Whole Class



Whole Class

Quiet Time


Whole Class

Alternating Activities: Nature, PE, ​Games, Music, Art, Crafts, STEM


Whole Class

Clean Up



Parents Pick Up


Price: $250/each month: September—April (except December)


Tuition BreakDown By Subject

Language Arts

Elementary Math



Fine Arts


***DISCOUNT: Only $1900 if you pay in full up front!







What does the tuition pay for?

The Explorer Program tuition provides not only the twice a week in-person classes but also

take-home curriculum for handwriting, language arts, and math. This provides parents with ​lessons for the rest of the week at home that compliment and build upon the concepts taught in ​class.

Explorer Program FAQs

Q. Does the Explorer program follow the same calendar days as the Scholar program does?

A. Yes, please click here for a look at the 2024–2025 calendar.

Q. Are any other discounts available? UPDATE: Our volunteer positions have been filled.

A. Yes, we are looking for six volunteers to serve as class aids. Each class aid would volunteer one day a week (Monday or Wednesday) ​from either 10:00–12:45 or 10:15–1:30. Each volunteer’s child would receive the discounted tuition rate according to which volunteer ​position was filled. See below:

  • Volunteer #1 Mondays, 10:00–12:45—Tuition: $200/month (except December $160) or $1510 if paid in full upfront
  • Volunteer #2 Mondays, 10:00–12:45—Tuition: $200/month (except December $160) or $1510 if paid in full upfront
  • Volunteer #3 Mondays, 10:15–1:30—Tuition: $175/month (except December $150) or $1325 if paid in full upfront
  • Volunteer #4 Wednesdays, 10:00–12:45—Tuition: $200/month (except December $160) or $1510 if paid in full upfront
  • Volunteer #5 Wednesdays, 10:00–12:45—Tuition: $200/month (except December $160) or $1510 if paid in full upfront
  • Volunteer #6 Wednesdays, 10:15–1:30—Tuition: $175/month (except December $150) or $1325 if paid in full upfront

*Note: Free tuition is available to volunteers who volunteer for the full Monday and Wednesday Explorer schedule.

Q. Are you hiring? UPDATE: Our mentor positions have been filled.

A. Yes, our lead mentor position is filled, however, we are looking to hire two other assistant mentors. Assistant Mentors will work both ​Mondays and Wednesdays in one of the following time slots.

  • Assistant Mentor #1: 8:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m. (3.5 hours)
  • Assistant Mentor #2: 12:15 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. (3 hours)

We are looking for highly motivated, experienced educators to join our team. If you or someone you know is interested in applying, ​please email your resume to

Q. What curriculum is used for the Explorer program?

A. We will be using the Mindful Heart Curriculum as our guide. However, a variety of other curricula are used supplementally ​throughout the day.

The take-home curriculum is listed below. (Note: Not all resources are used for every ability level. Pre-Readers and Beginning Readers ​will focus on phonics while Growing Readers and Writers will focus on Spelling and Writing.)

Click on each button to learn more about the curriculum.

Join us in creating a nurturing and stimulating

environment for our young explorers!